Ready Made

Company Name

The current name of the company (e.g. Quick Beta s.r.o.)* remains.
(*) Or a similar name, always Quick + letter from Greek Alphabeth

Optional: Change of name of the company (additional EUR 300)

Please kindly note that we have to double-check the availability first, therefore please state at least 2-3 alternatives in case the preferred name would not be available.
Add name


In our fee, the appointment of only one shareholder is included.
If you want your company to have more shareholders our specialists will get in touch with you to discuss further details

Superlegalization or apostille of necessary documents depends
on the issuing authority.

Residency address

Add person
Add legal entity


IMPORTANT: Please note that we can assist you with obtaining
a “virtual” registered seat via provider we cooperate with for an additional
fee of approximately EUR 150/year. If you would not like to use the virtual
office then you will need a written consent of the owner of a real estate
signed by a certified signature (provided by us).

(optional – additional EUR 150/year)

Main Business(es)

A general trade license is included, and so is a tax registration.
In case of activities which require a special
trade license our specialists will get in touch with you to discuss further details

Add business Check trade licences


The way directors shall act on behalf company:

Residency address

Add director

Billing details

Natural person
Legal entity


Please control your data
and proceed to check out. In case you need
to change anything, click at appropriate step above.



Address of the registered seat in Czech Republic

, ,

Main Business(es)

Main business(es)


Billing details

1500 Eur
1500 Eur

You will be redirected to Payment gateway